The first discovery of prehistoric rock paintings in the world was made in India. It was first discovered as early as 1870 but the chronology was only established after the excavations at Modi in 1959 and Bhimbetka in 1972.
At present some 150 sites of rock art are known in the country. Bhimbetka is the largest clusters of pained rock art shelters in the world. It is situated 45km of Bhopal. These caves are more than 600 in number and spread within a radius of 10 km.
In this complex of sandstone caves and rockshelters geometric microliths of chalcedony are found in preceramic deposit. Pieces or red and yellow ocher occur in the same deposits, these having been used for painting of walls and ceilings.
Mostly the painted caves are of Mesolithic age in which elephant, rhinoceros, bear, wild bear, cow bullock, buck, deer and monkeys have be painted. The paintings are of red and white color while some were green and yellow color also.
Two petroglyphs evacuated in Auditorium Cave, Bhimbetka, were covered by the uppermost part of a substantial Acheulian layer, suggesting that they are the oldest known rock art in the world.
Indian cave painting in Bhimbetka
The term "history of painting" refers to artworks depicting scenes drawn from classical sources like mythology, the Bible, and legends. This history provides valuable insights into how people and societies have interacted with the art of painting. Studying painting history is essential, as it reveals the evolution of artistic expression and cultural values. The past shapes the present, which, in turn, influences the future.
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